The Florent Bergeronneau-Marion Champagne House is situated in the village of Ville Dommange, a well known village in the Montagne de Reims,an old locality typical of the Champagne region that can be traced back to the VIVth century under the name of “Villa Dominica”, literally “the farm belonging to a lord”
The Range
The Champagne rests in 19th century and more recent vaulted cellars, and does not leave them until it has reached its fullness, thus revealing its very essence, vinified with passion by the Bergeronnau family

Le Clos
In the heart of the village of Villedommange, surrounded by restored gates, hedges and walls from the 19th century.

Contact us
For more detailed information about prices
and visiting hours, contact us:
22 rue de la Prévôté 51390
Téléphone : +33.(0)