The Florent Bergeronneau-Marion Champagne House is situated in the village of Ville Dommange, a well known village in the Montagne de Reims,an old locality typical of the Champagne region that can be traced back to the VIVth century under the name of “Villa Dominica”, literally “the farm belonging to a lord”, the lord being no other than Louis the First, king of France from 814 to 840 . The village is also famous for its chapel dedicated to Saint Lié, its patron saint.
Home of the Bergeronneau family, Ville Dommange is a traditional village nestling round its bell tower and encircled by illustrious vineyards clas¬sified Champagne Premiers Crus. Since 1590 , generations have succeeded each other on this land, from coopers to vintners, and form the rich heritage of Véronique and Florent Bergeronneau-Marion, born respectively in the St Thierry massif and the Montagne de Reims.